RWE Virtual Symposium
The European Charcot Foundation and Centro de esclerosis multiple de Buenos Aires are co-organising the Real World Evidence in Multiple Sclerosis Symposium whiwh will be organised virtually on 9 and 10 October 2020.
RWE Virtual Symposium
Friday 9 October 2020
Real world evidence: basic roots
- Methodological aspects of RWE
Fabio Pellegrini - Registries in RWE generation
Per-Soelberg Sörensen - PROMS
Giancarlo Comi - LATAM aspects of RWE generation
Juan Ignacio Rojas - Discussion Q&A
Real world evidence in MS I: natural history and special conditions
- RWE to assess the natural history of relapsing MS
Oscar Fernandez - RWE to assess the natural history of progressive MS
Liliana Patrucco - RWE and fatigue
Letizia Leocani - RWE and cognition in MS
Maria Pia Amato - Discussion Q&A
Saturday 10 October 2020
Real world evidence in MS II: assessment of treatment
- RWE effectiveness and safety of injectables
Jacqueline Palace - RWE effectiveness and safety of orals
Liliana Patrucco - RWE effectiveness and safety of monoclonal antibodies
Giancarlo Comi - RWE in pediatric MS
Maria Pia Amato - Discussion Q&A
State of the art in NMOSD
- Epidemiology of NMOSD and clinical aspects
Jacqueline Palace - Differential diagnosis and the role of functional studies in NMOSD, MOG and MS disease
Letizia Leocani - NMOSD and MOG disease in Latin America
Juan Ignacio Rojas - Discussion Q&A
Health policies and decisions based on RWE
- RWE in costs data generation in MS
Juan Pablo Denamiel, Superintendencia de Servicios de Salud Argentina - Health policies and unmet needs of RWE to make decisions in LATAM
Fernando Rubinstein, IECS, Argentina - Multiple Sclerosis care units and research priorities in RWE generation
Per-Soelberg Sörensen - Consensus guidelines in helath care policies and decision: round table
Edgardo Cristiano, Fernando Rubinstein, Juan Pablo Denamiel - Concluding remarks of the meeting
Giancarlo Comi, Edgardo Cristiano
For more detailed information and to register, visit the symposium website.