Submission criteria
As you prepare your submission, please review and make sure to meet the below abstract and poster submission criteria.
Two simple steps to submit your abstract:
- Login and create your profile
- Submit your abstract
Make sure to remember your password! You will need your email and password to access the abstract tool and submit your poster and poster recording.

Abstract submission criteria
- All abstracts must be submitted electronically in .pdf format by Monday, September 30th, 2024 (11:59 PM CEST).
- All abstracts should be written in English.
- It is the author's responsibility to submit a fully finalized abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific facts will be reproduced as typed by the author.
- At the time of submission, the material should not have been published or accepted for publication.
- Encore abstracts are accepted but not favored. In case of encore abstracts, the conference and conference date should be mentioned in the abstract. If the data include new data not presented before, the abstract will not be considered as encore.
- The title of the abstract should include all the words crucial for a subject index. (Min 55, max 83 characters)
- In addition, a short title of maximum 45 characters should be submitted.
- The body of the abstract should be limited to maximum 300 words, including spaces but excluding title and abstract information of the authors. Tables are not accepted.
- The topic should deal with MS and data should be scientifically qualified.
- If the abstract has more than one author, the main author should be clearly identified (e.g.: label: 'main author') and all co-authors should be clearly mentioned.
- The submitting author should be one of the main authors.
- The submitting author is presumed to be the presenter of the abstract accepted for presentation.
- We do not accept non-authors to present, only authors/co-authors.
- The submitting author confirms that all authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented.
- All correspondence concerning the abstract will be sent to the submitting author/co-author who is responsible for informing any other co-author(s) of the status of the abstract.
- The presenting author of an abstract must register for the congress by the given deadline (Thursday, October 31st, 2024). The Organising Committee reserves the right to exclude abstracts from the programme for which registration is not duly completed within the deadline advised.
- The curriculum vitae or at least a short CV of the submitting author should be included with the submission.
The date of birth of the submitting author should be mentioned on the CV. - Any possible conflicts of interest should be disclosed.
- Should you wish to make corrections to an abstract already submitted or if you wish to submit other abstracts later, you may use your personal access codes (email and password). Corrections to abstracts can only be made until Monday, September 30th, 2024 (the deadline of abstract submission).
We are grateful to our sponsors!
The European Charcot Foundation is grateful to its sponsors for supporting its activities, and the Annual Meeting in particular, without any involvement in the elaboration of the programmes.