Young Investigators & ECF Fellowship Community

Young Investigator

Since it was first established, the European Charcot Foundation has always encouraged young neurologists to develop a career in the field of Multiple Sclerosis.

One of the ECF's flagship initiatives is the Young Investigator Awards, which are awarded every year to young neurologists for the best poster presentation at the ECF Annual Meeting.

ECF also offers young healthcare operators the possibility to benefit from a short period of training at one of the Multiple Sclerosis Centres affiliated with ECF.

The European Charcot Foundation developed a new initiative to support the Young Investigators: The Fellowship Community

The ECF Fellowship Community

To inspire and motivate Young Investigators in their research on MS and bring the Community together.

The vision of the Fellowship Community is

  • to enhance and secure the research on MS by motivating Young Investigators.
  • to close the gap between the different generations of researchers

Who will become part of the Community:

  • Past winners Young Investigator Awards*
  • Participants of the ECF Fellowship programmes
  • Best poster winners of CTRIMS

*Young Investigators, part of the Fellowship Community, must be younger than 35 years.

How will the European Charcot Foundation support this Community:

  • We will put the Fellowship Community together: ECF will organise 2 – 3 meetings each year with the Community. To each meeting an inspiring authority in MS will be invited to join.
    • 2 times digital
    • 1 time live during the Annual Meeting in Baveno
  • Provide grants to the YI Community (Fellowship programmes).
  • We will facilitate the context on a global level of all generations.
  • We will provide the existing ECF tools and create new ones in order to give a strong voice to the Fellowship Community.
  • Co-creation is key in developing a strong Community

In return
All members are invited to join us during the Annual Meeting:

  • The 30 first applicants submitting a poster between Young Investigators and ECF Fellows receive a free registration to the Annual Meeting.
  • Fellows who register without submitting a poster will benefit from a reduced registration fee.

The title of ECF Fellow is awarded for life, however, Fellows older than 35 years are no longer actively part of the Community.

Short term training programmes for clinicians and researchers.
The European Charcot Foundation Fellow Community has launched the Small Grant Fund to encourage young investigators to gain experience in MS research